Fitness Journeys of Team Primal
"Fitness is important to me because of my health and sport. I train everyday so I can reach the next level in my sport. I train everyday to be healthier so I don’t gas out mid tournament. What got me to this point was when I was at my heaviest of 240 and I was out of breath and gassed out in the middle of a huge tournament".
-Nick L
"I have been working to go from a chubby drinker to a college gym rat"
-Evan B
"I started lifting 2 years ago after my father had gastric bypass surgery. We would lift together because he didn’t want to go alone and ever since then I fell in love with it. It has really given me and outlet to help with my mental health".
-Kory D
"The gym gives me meaning. It gives me freedom. It gives me something that isn't able to be purchased. Being in shape is a direct component of doing the work day in and day out. I love the process and it keeps me in line with my goals".
-Nick S